Thursday, April 19, 2007


I know I shouldn't read into it too much. But I'm loving what I find out about myself! So, I got this from a website, a lil about Aquarius:

"In spite of the often intensely magnetic, forthcoming and open personality of the more extrovert kind of Aquarian, and of their desire to help humanity, neither type makes friends easily. They sometimes appear to condescend to others and take too little trouble to cultivate the acquaintance of people who do not particularly appeal to them.They do not give themselves easily - perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that - and are sometimes accounted cold. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers, ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. However, they are sometimes disappointed emotionally because their own high personal ideals cause them to demand more of others than is reasonable. And if they are deceived their anger is terrible. If disillusioned, they do not forgive".

Aquarius rules the Eleventh House of Friends, so it's no wonder that they appear to be friends with absolutely everyone. You'll only be deceived by this circumstantial evidence until you try to get close to the Water Bearer, however. Though they have many acquaintances, Aquarius rarely lets people get to know them on a deep level. They are somewhat aloof when it comes to their actual feelings.
The perfect Aquarius companion is one with whom they can make an intellectual connection. If you give them their space while keeping conversation lively, they'll be your friend forever. (P/s: That means don't get on my nerves or be too corny!)

The key to real passion for Aquarians, however, is in connecting with that lover who can make vulnerability safe for them.
A lover who can help the Water Bearer get in touch with their innermost feelings and teach them to put the analyzing aside will tap into a torrent of emotion waiting to be released. The ideal Aquarius soul mate is an Einstein with lots of soul. The Aquarius lover is unconventional yet innovative, a charmer who can wow a crowd and draws great strength from the partner at their side. (P/s: I think my partner will be a lucky guy worr...& I'll make him feel lucky too! Hehe!)

Although Aquarians have the utmost respect for themselves, they lack in the self-esteem department at times. They're always worrying about not looking good enough or not feminine enough. No need to worry, Water Bearers look stunning no matter what they do. Their beauty comes from the ability to accept themselves and make the best of the gifts they've been given. Aquarians set their own beauty standards, and this independence raises their beauty to a transcendent level. Her beauty is not of this world -- it's out of it. (P/s: I certainly agree & I'm feeling good about it!)

If you hit the trail with an Aquarian, you'll be traveling with the trailblazer of the Zodiac. Those born under this sign are nothing if not different, willing to go anywhere, anytime, with anyone for most any reason. People lovers that they are, Aquarians also feel right at home in the most bustling of cities. Learning about the people and places they visit is probably the number one thing on the Water Bearer's agenda. (P/s: Liah & Hamsa should be glad they could travel with me. Hahaha!)

So...I'm proud to be an Aquarian!


Helmi said...

In the relationship part, to summarize it, just say horny lar. hehe

Norain said...

Tsk! I'm not horny & I don't go for horny guys too. Anyhow say only..Obek Mi!

Anonymous said...

There you go AGAIN!!
Feeling ah....


Norain said...

Sadiq: Feeling wat? Don't say more feeling hor...Haha!