Sunday, September 16, 2007

That Time of the Month

Seems like disappointment (see my previous post on the "d" word) lingers in the air. At least, I know I'm not the only one feeling it. Sighs... I was chatting on my mobile with Liah AND on MSN with's cute that I'm trying to console them as much as I'm trying to comfort myself too.

Liah: We always end up at the same "bus-stop" eh? Must shower in flower water on 31st Dec so that we'll have good karma next year larr! Be strong, tau! I understand it's not easy. I'm always here for you to cry to. I just can't really lend you my shoulder though. :)

Nasir: To think you were making fun of my predicament?! But..for you to not being able to get over the person means something lorr! There'll always be someone new, anyway. Knowing you. Haha!

And goes on, right?


LeiyA said... goes after my 18 sept, hmm...must admit was kinda excited when the sms "thanks for the cake, its nice and my parents would like you to have some" came...
but i got back to reality quick...

Norain said...

I understand how the gestures excites you, Liah. If this is the reality that you seek, I hope you'll be much happier then. :)

Life ain't that much interesting without hopes. But with hopes..comes disappointment.

Edz GorGor said...

so ... is n***r the guy that dissapointed u?

Norain said...

*rolls eyes*
Dunno where you get that idea from...

Edz GorGor said...

hahaha, jus a guess ....

Norain said...

Wahlau...don't anyhow guess ley! Spoil my reputation! Where to put my face??? Haha!

Edz GorGor said...

errrr .... put at
