Monday, December 12, 2005

Chilling with THE Music and THE Book.

Superhero has came back & he bought me a CD compilation & guess what..a BOOK! Goodness, it's been ages since I read a book until the fact that whenever I read one, I feel sleepy! Haha..but since he bought me one, i might as well cultivate reading again. It's "Memoirs of a Geisha". I can't wait for the movie too...

Sighs..Superhero lost his Ipod the other day! He left it in the cab. Whatsmore, I was the one who bought him the Ipod. We are both sad larr.. coz the Ipod means a lot to us. There were good memories & he loves the gadget.. :(

We went to Gramaphone just now, fishing for something cool to listen to. I decided on "Too Chilled". It's a compilation of those lounge/electronica kinda music. Superhero bought something downtempo, a mixed of fusion & oriental they call it. We thought it's really 2 for 1 price of a CD but soon, we realised that the 2 CDs in each compilation is the same! It's like, Disc 1 and Disc 2 contain the same songs but different remixes only!

Chey..our feelings are cheated AGAIN...

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