Sunday, July 30, 2006

High Sugar Intake Alert!

I met Tini for dinner after my shift today. She's such a bubbly gal. She's younger than me by 2 years but she talks like she's older than me. We have lotsa things in common & she can be so hilarious with her antics. Haha! I feel sad that she has left the company but I'm glad that she's much more cheerful now. :) We walked around NTUC, fishing for something to buy (my pay is in!). Went to the frozen stuff area and guess what I found?! My favourite Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavour! I was half hoping they won't have it coz that will mean that I'm not "fated" to buy. Tini kept looking at other ice-cream tubs happily. the end...... Hehe~

I love the Oatmeal Cookie Chunk flavour coz it's kinda different from your regular chocolate or strawberry ice-cream. It has the cinnamon taste that lingers & of course, the chewy oatmeal & delicious fudge! (Now I sound like the spokesperson for Ben & Jerry's) Superhero & Nickole said that it taste weird but...well, nothing can change my "feelings". I'm beginning to take a liking to cinnamon-ny stuff, for e.g. Starbucks's Cinnamon Raisin bagel & they used to have an ice blended cinnamon syrup drink. (Which I forgot the name!)

Joy for the BELLY & SOUL. Soul..yes..I agree. I feel like I'm relieved of stress after having just a spoonful of the ice-cream. But for the BELLY??!! Definitely NO!!! Maybe they should mix some Xando tummy slimming powder into that tub! :)

There's this new American food joint at Citylink Mall, called New York New York. I went with Nickole & Sue 2 days ago. Decor was superb. was oohh-kay & service was allll-right...Nothing out of the ordinary. The food reminds me a bit of Billy Bombers+ NYDC. A nice place to hang out with your bunch of friends (Must be a BUNCH if you want that comfortable sofa seats), & come earlier if you don't wanna queue till the Godiva shop. And try the hot chocolate drink with mashmellows. Yummy yum!

I'm getting the vibes of becoming a gourmet. Hmmm~

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