Friday, March 31, 2006

It Only Just Begun

Well, apparently, I'm NOT the only one resigning. There are a few others, who, have already tendered way before me. It's scary..or should I say pure coincidence that few of my colleagues are leaving around the same time. Either that, they are cross-training to other departments. I guess we are getting sick of the same job, same crap & yet, more to come.

My colleague hugged me just now, as she's going on leave and won't see me till my last day of work. She started crying & being me, I cried too. The rest of them started to cry when realised that one of our bosses is also leaving. In fact, it was his last day today! He gave a little "speech" & we all just slumped in our seats. Touched & ...sad. But we have to move matter how tough it may be. I feel the pain of leaving my colleagues even before it's my last day. I'll miss them... :(

I'm looking forward to my weekend though. Going shopping for new clothes, run errands, meet Superhero & hanging out with my best friend. Try not to think about next week larr...

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