Monday, June 16, 2008

The Catch Up

It's been a looong while since the last update. Like I said before, I'm getting lazy to post entries. Why I suddenly appear again out of nowhere? Coz I've been awake since 4.30 am. Haha! My sleeping habits are horrendous these days.

Anyway, it seems just yesterday that I blogged about how fast half of the year 2007 has passed & I realised's the same time of the year again! I'm not saying much now, but so far, 2008 has been good to me. Alhamdullilah.

If 6 months seem to pass by with a blink of the eyes, I guess..the next 6 months will be the same too. And before I can enjoy my 25th year of existence to the ultimate fullest, I get a year older. Sighs...

Oh! How can I forget...3 of my friends celebrate their birthdays this week. The 3 Geminians are: Naz (today is the day!), Siti (tomorrow!) and Lavanya (18th June..I think? Hehe!). To all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Anonymous said...


Siti Arbaiya said...

thanks many many...