Monday, October 22, 2007

Raya Outing

This year was the most happening one, for the fellow Conradians & ex-Conradians (or the ex-Cons as what Faizal puts it!). We've talked, we've planned, we've anticipated for this day, as early as 2 months ago. And the outing turned out well! Credits to the organisers! Who else if it's not me & Liah. Hehe! We started from 2pm till 1.30 am, hokays! Happening, can? :)

Tittle of Movie:
Orang Conrad Beraya
(translated into Conrad People Celebrate Raya)
Norain & Liah
Main cast:
Faizal, Nassir, Sadiq, Sabariah, Riza, Norain, Liah, Zaine
Supporting cast:
Chandran (made it to 4 houses), Rynn (only made it to 2 houses) & Helmi (covered 1 house!)
Almost the whole of Singapore

Special thanks to:

Kak Aini for the super-spicy fried spaghetti


Nassir's mom for the mee soto. The chilli was like...shiok!


Riza's mom fried macaroni with sausage & chicken wings. I also want Lingam's chilli sauce!


Sadiq's mom for the laksa. Yes, without the tauge & corriander leaves. Lucky it's all prepared separately!


Zaine & mommy for their delicious mee soto (again!) & to-die-for chicken wings. So sedap until I couldn't stop. Oh...they use Lingam's chilli sauce too!

P/s: If you realise, none of us actually cooks, except for Zaine. *winks*

And the funny moments:
Nassir was fasting (puasa enam) & Faizal doesn't know what that means! He thought it's fasting on the 6th day of Raya.
Whenever we are about to leave a particular house, we have to remind Riza to go out & put on her heels first. Coz she just had to wear those that have strings to tie around the ankles...comfortable & looks good...but troublesome!
All the girls brought cameras & knowing how important for each of us to look pretty, we kept taking & taking UNTIL we all got satisfied. And there's a point of time (at my place), where the guys just sit still & the girls did the different poses!
Walked over from Tampines to Simei. Seems near but it was a good 30 mins walk with our kain & bajus. Not glam, especially with the 5pm sun.
4 girls in 1 cab while the 4 guys in another on the way to Helmi's house. The taxi driver said to we girls excitedly..."Eh! Your boyfriends are behind us!". BOYFRIENDS??! Hahahaha!
Faizal looking forward to see his "in-laws", Sabariah who is smitten by Sadiq's cute younger brother & they talking about being "family members" altogether.
Disturbing Liah & her new found friend. Good luck, hor! :)
Riza & Zaine making their moves like 1am! Oh, they were just playing video games. :)
Thanks people for making the jalan raya so fun & fabulous. Insyallah, we'll do it again next year, yah?


LeiyA said...

wow! this blog entry is so well written!!!

FrankieThai said...

planned 2 months ago??? and i was only informed 1 or 2 days before the "event"??? **angry**

Helmi said...

Riza macam makcik sak.

Edz GorGor said...

very nicely done .... and am sure you guys had a wonderful day. in fact am quite envy lor ... hahahah

inoemieself said...

All i can say...the gals try soo very hard to pose nicely to look good in the picsz... The guys dun need as we are born with fabulous smiles... Hahahaha!!!anyway...gals, we all do look good in the pics. Good job!! Hehehehe!!

Anonymous said...

no lor i still THINK 'our' jalan raya 2005 better :p (can't eat grape, say the grape sour hahaha!!)

Kie-u are not the only one, i was informed on the day itself hahahah


LeiyA said...

sorry i forgot...:(
seriously tak sengaja...maaf ye EM...

Anonymous said...

achah je.......heheheh
janagan buat lagi hahahaha